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Introduction to Mormon Beliefs

Updated on September 9, 2015
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Kathryn Skaggs is the founder of Latter-day Saint Women Stand, a community of over 50K faithful Latter-day Saint women who love their faith!

A basic introduction to what Mormons believe...

Joseph Smith's Account Of What Happened In The Sacred Grove, Near His Home In Palymra, New York Is Known As "The Vision".
Joseph Smith's Account Of What Happened In The Sacred Grove, Near His Home In Palymra, New York Is Known As "The Vision".

Seven Important Facts About Mormomism

  1. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord's True Church upon the earth, today.
  2. Jesus Christ Is the Savior and Redeemer of All Mankind and His Atoning Sacrifice is for All!
  3. The Earth was Created for Man.
  4. There is a Plan for the Salvation of Every Person.
  5. Our Father in Heaven Is the Literal Father of Our Spirits.
  6. Temples of God have Always Been How the People of God Worship Him.
  7. How We Live Our Lives Is Directly Related to Our Eternal Happiness!

So What DO Mormons Believe?

I have outlined here - seven points or doctrinal truths - that I believe are very important for those who would like to learn about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, our doctrines, beliefs and practices.

Granted, there are many more than seven important points of our doctrines and teachings, but I believe that the ones I am focusing on right here are critical for you to understand from a Mormon's perspective - so that you may better understand the Mormon Religion and the members of the LDS Church.

These will be brief introductions to those subjects in Mormonism that you may want to further explore and understand through further investigation.

Actually - I hope that you do - because these are eternally important truths - that are taught within the LDS Church - that will bring you closer to Jesus Christ as they are better understood, and practiced.

God has a Plan for All of His Children

And He Is In Complete Control Of How Things Will Work Out Here In This Life...  It Is His Plan, therefore it is Perfect!
And He Is In Complete Control Of How Things Will Work Out Here In This Life... It Is His Plan, therefore it is Perfect!

What Do MORMONS believe About Jesus Christ The Son Of God?

Joseph Smith Jr. - The Prophet Of The Restoration

"The fundamental principles of our religion are the testimony of the Apostles and Prophets, concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to it."

The Book of Mormon - Another Testament of Jesus Christ

The Book of Mormon is the powerful evidence that Joseph Smith is a true prophet of God. Within the book, a promise is given from God, like no other in the history of the world - that for those who sincerely read and pray about its truthfulness and au
The Book of Mormon is the powerful evidence that Joseph Smith is a true prophet of God. Within the book, a promise is given from God, like no other in the history of the world - that for those who sincerely read and pray about its truthfulness and au

1. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Is the Lord's True Church.

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints accept Joseph Smith Jr. as the Lord's prophet who has ushered in the dispensation of the fullness of times - and to bring about the complete restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ - in the latter day, as prophesied in scripture.

Contrary to what many suggest, Mormons do NOT worship Joseph Smith, and in fact, there could in reality - be nothing further from the truth of how Mormons believe in Christ.

We worship God the Eternal Father and Follow His Son Jesus Christ, whom He has sent...

By keeping His commandments - which fulfills the first and second great commandments... we then may return back into both of their presences - and inherit all that the Father gave unto His Son; and this because we have taken His Name, upon us.

We testify that the account known as "The First Vision" - in which God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith - did in reality take place.

One of the magnificent miracles that followed this great vision and revelation was the coming forth of the Book of Mormon - Another testament of Jesus Christ.

Through the promise contained in the Book of Mormon - all men may come to know that the truthfulness of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is as claimed - and that Joseph Smith is a true prophet of God in the same model as Moses, Abraham and Isaiah.

This we boldly testify of, but also testify that you must find this out for yourself, regardless of what we say.

Joseph Smith Jr. The Mormon Prophet - Read account then watch this video...

Joseph Smith declared...

The Prophet Joseph Smith's testimony that God lives, Jesus is the Christ, his ancient gospel has been restored, and that the Church of Jesus Christ is again available to all mankind—the testimony that he first bore to his neighbors in upstate New York—can now be heard around the world in many different languages. The truth of God rolls forth!

2. Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of All Mankind and His Atoning Sacrifice Is For All!

As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - we firmly testify that Jesus Christ is our personal Savior and Redeemer.

This personal testimony of Jesus Christ as the Son of God, is the very foundation of the teachings of the LDS Church - that one must develop to be considered a true follower of Jesus Christ...

  • 1. We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.
  • 3. We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.

    (Articles Of Faith)

The Lord has a Plan... Did you Know that Families are Forever?

God Created The World For You... His Child! And There Is A Great And Eternal Purpose For YOU!

The eternal destiny of this earth is that it will fill the measure of its creation according to God.  Man too, as he becomes obedient to the commandments of God - may also fill the measure of his creation - which is to become like God, Whose children
The eternal destiny of this earth is that it will fill the measure of its creation according to God. Man too, as he becomes obedient to the commandments of God - may also fill the measure of his creation - which is to become like God, Whose children

3. The Earth was Created for Man.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches - that God created the earth for man, not man for the earth. As God blessed and sanctified the earth on the seventh day - a day of completion... LDS believe that our lives follow a similar pattern in the path of coming unto God, and thus - returning back to the paradisaical state of rest as was had in the Garden of Eden.

As the earth passes through seven Millenia to complete and fulfil the measure of its creation, so too - as we choose to become obedient to the laws and commandments of God - thus we fulfill the measure of our Creation.

Man - is God's greatest creation and Mormons believe in revealed scripture in the latter days - brought forth through a restoration of all things - that teach the purpose of God creating the earth for our benefit...

  • Moses 1:39 "This is my work and my Glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."

Each Life... has Deep Individual Worth and Meaning..

4. There is a Plan for the Salvation of Every Person.

Mormon (a nickname for members of the LDS Church) believe that God has a plan for each one of His Children. We believe that we existed with Him - as spirit children - prior to our coming to this earth.

We believe that as part of what we call The Plan Of Salvation - one of the most important reasons for coming to earth, was so that we could gain a physical body. Unlike many other religions Mormonism teaches that the physical body is a blessing to the spirit, which it houses.

  • "Ye are the temple of God".

We believe that as Jesus Christ was resurrected and His Eternal Spirit was restored, in perfection, to a beautiful and immortal body - we too will be recipients of this eternal gift through the Atonement of Jesus Christ - as part of the Plan Of Salvation.

Salvation comes through the mission of Jesus Christ. ALL men are saved as to a resurrection and immortal state of being, following their sojourn here upon the earth... and throughout all eternity.

We believe that according to our lives here - we will be judged equal to the knowledge that we received of Jesus Christ and our willingness to be true to that light.... therefore qualifying us for Eternal Life!

We believe that the family is ordained of God and that marriage is only between and man and a woman - therefore perpetuating the great eternal plan for the redemption of families throughout eternity.

We believe that through ordiances and covenants made in holy temples, that we can be sealed or married to our eternal companions beyond this life and that through that sealed union - we can be together forever as families eternally.

We believe that our Father in Heaven is the patriarchal example of that which exists here upon earth.... although now - in a very imperfect state... nonetheless - this plan is His way to bring about His eternal purposes.

Ultimately we believe that as we follow the teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed through modern prophets - that we may receive a reward of Eternal Life and Exaltation... which are the greatest of all the gifts of God and given to those who are willing to follow Him and keep His commandments which He has given them.

Each one of us - are His child.

To return to Him, we must become "as" a little child - humble, meek, submissive, patient, etc...  For such is the Kingdom of Heaven!
To return to Him, we must become "as" a little child - humble, meek, submissive, patient, etc... For such is the Kingdom of Heaven!

5. Our Father in Heaven is the Literal Father of Our Spirits.

One of the most powerful truths that came from the vision, of which the boy Joseph Smith was given - was an eternal truth that had been lost through the many mistranslations and interpretations of the Bible.

  • We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. (Article of Faith #8)

What Joseph was clearly taught and which has been debated over since the apostasy following the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ - is the true nature of the Godhead.

Because of this pure doctrine becoming so corrupted - we have the history of what Constantine who was a political leader decided to do - because of the great divisions among his people at the time... therefore he brought together the "great" minds of his day and together through debate - brought forth a document that has influenced Christianity until this day.

Many protestant churches believe that they have broken away from the teachings and influences of these doctrines of the Catholic Church - as they fully could see - that all true authority as in the days of Christ - were gone. Many early Christian reformers knew that nothing but a complete restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ would rectify the corruption that had taken place since the death of Jesus and His Apostles -- to restore true authority.

Although gratefully these humble Christians did chose to break away from those with no authority - they took with them false teachings that have influenced the way the Bible is interpreted to this very day.

In essence, they are very little better off today...

  • 1. We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. (Article of Faith)

As God's chosen prophet of the restoration to reveal all truth necessary for the salvation of mankind - first and foremost is that the Godhead consist of three separate and distinct "individuals".

Also - that God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ both have bodies of flesh and bone - who are perfected and resurrected beings of Glory and Majesty.

The teachings and witness of Joseph Smith, clearly reveal that each one of us are the sons and daughter of Deity with a divine nature to progress through this life...

Those who accept the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ - through His authorized servants, which He has always utilized here upon the earth to preach His Gospel - may, like Him... lay claim to all the blessings and promises that Jesus Christ Himself was given by His and our Father.

  • Eternal Life and Exaltation are the inheritance that is our birthright from the days of Adam and Abraham and today through the restoration of His Gospel through the prophet Joseph Smith, who received all Priesthood authority and keys to administer salvation for the children of God upon the earth.

As with any legal birthright - the authority to grant it - is required!

  • 5. We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof. (Articles of Faith)

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Claim a Restoration of the Ancient Church of Christ - through the Boy Prophet, Joseph Smith Jr.

The People of God, Have Always Ascended Up to the Mount (temple) to Worship Him...

Adam and Even went to the mount and built an altar, offered sacrifices, thus they worshiped their God...
Adam and Even went to the mount and built an altar, offered sacrifices, thus they worshiped their God...
Throughout ancient scripture there are many evidences of Temples built and destroyed by God, because of corruption of the people...
Throughout ancient scripture there are many evidences of Temples built and destroyed by God, because of corruption of the people...
Personal righteousness, through covenant making and keeping qualify those who have come unto Him in Holy Temples for His Spirit to dwell in them...
Personal righteousness, through covenant making and keeping qualify those who have come unto Him in Holy Temples for His Spirit to dwell in them...
The Salt lake Temple is a symbol as the Temples are, of the firm commitment to the covenants of God.  This temple took forty years to complete, for these early Saints of the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ...
The Salt lake Temple is a symbol as the Temples are, of the firm commitment to the covenants of God. This temple took forty years to complete, for these early Saints of the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ...
Nauvoo, Illinois.  The Nauvoo temple was desecrated and then destroyed after the martydom of the Prophet Joseph Smith... and has just recently been rebuilt and restored to its original specifications - as a symbol of our faith...
Nauvoo, Illinois. The Nauvoo temple was desecrated and then destroyed after the martydom of the Prophet Joseph Smith... and has just recently been rebuilt and restored to its original specifications - as a symbol of our faith...

6. Temples of God Have Always Been How the People of God Worship Him.

The most important facet of membership - in the Church of Jesus Christ, in these latter days, or at any time in all the history of the world - is that the fruits of the Spirit - MUST be manifest... not only as a Church - within the body of Christ -- but even more important and significant for the individual members - is that the Spirit of revelation is active and known in their personal lives... increasing their faith daily.

Meaning those - who by covenants - take His Name upon themselves, therefore qualifying for the reception of the Gift of the Holy Ghost.

  • 4. We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. (Articles Of Faith)

Jesus Christ Himself, in early Christianity - taught of our divinity and eternal worth through his living prophet at the time - Paul, - who to the Corinthians, expounded boldly to those who were of the Church - members of The Church of Jesus Christ anciently...

16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

After Paul, asked the Saints, such a direct question as to WHO they were... he continued in warning the members of the Church...

17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

18 Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise.

19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.

20 And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.

21 Therefore let no man glory in men. For all things are yours;

22 Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours;

23 And ye are Christ’s; and Christ is God’s. (1Corinthians Chapter 3)

This powerful teaching of a living prophet of God, after the Savior was no longer among His people - was prophetic teaching that was meant to wake up the Saints to thier true condition and to warn them not to be decieved of men and the ways of the world.

Paul was desperate, therefore passionate to teach them - for he foresaw and knew of the great apostasy that lay quickly ahead, as the children of Christ would no longer follow the prophets of God, and went the ways of the world... forgetting the covenants that they had made - for the philosophies of man, that apparently were much more appealing that rules.

History reveals and records the rejection of living prophets, chosen by Him, and following His absence physically among His people...

And as any good historian will note history always repeats itself, according to "man".

The members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe in covenants made with God - unto personal salvation - which must be administered by those with proper authority from God.

  • 5. We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof. (Articles Of Faith)

The Priesthood authority that is claimed in the LDS Church came through the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and was give first - to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery.

Mormon Temples - Ancient and Modern - The Outside Looking In...

7. How We Live Our Lives is directly Related to Our Eternal Happiness!

  • 13. We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things. (Article of Faith)

I'm A Mormon!

On Revelation...

"Men have come to speak of the revelation as somewhat long ago given and done, as if God were dead.

It is the office of a true teacher to show us that God is, not was; that He speaketh, not spake.

...the need was never greater of new revelation than now."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

As Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, We Have Hope as we Exercise Our Faith In His Great Plan for Our Happiness...

How we as members of The Church of Jesus Christ live our lives is important not only now - but we firmly believe that our choices and actions will determine our eternal happiness.

Once again, contrary to many who purport that which is different than what Mormons actually do believe, we willingly choose to make and keep sacred covenants with God - just like His children have always been required to do.

Commandments - by the standards of the world are seen as rules.

The natural man in each of us - rejects rules in general and plays by the rules of man, in order to gain a thing... whatever that may be. Practically speaking - once we submit to most reasonable "ules in society, etc... we usually find that there is a benefit to us in the long-term.

Even though "if" I could, I would drive my Porsche at about 120 mph... but if I "just did" - the consequences in opposition to just abiding by the law - could very well be "death"! It is a gamble to not keep rules - in general. Although at times we may not agree or understand the long-term value or how actions affect the whole.

Most evidence suggest that those who are rebellious and do not "like" rules... live a fairly secluded life, due to their lack of ultimate freedom... Interesting, isn't it.

It is a great impostor "philosophy" - which dominates the human mind, that tells us - that "rules" - or commandments if you will - take away individual freedom!

God does not think like man. That is an absolute truth. Commandments are "how" God is able to bless his children not only this now, but eternally.

As we exercise our freedom to "choose" God, over mans philosophies (and he is LOUD) we unlock the ability for God, who is our Father - to bless our lives here and now!.

How? Consequences are rewards that bless our lives from the very moment we make a choice according to light that we have been given.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ - IS Light.

I am the Light and LIFE of the World! Come - Follow Me.

Jesus Christ was the great example of submitting to authority - to one greater than even HIM. He lived and died so that we, too - might know how to do the very same thing... the very same works - unto Salvation and Eternal Life!

Christ is the VICTORY of which He now - offers to all of mankind - as we use that powerful right of individual agency to - walk with Him.



The Article of Faith - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The Ministry and Why.... You Must Watch This - I Promise, You Will Be Touched.


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