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Mormon Missionaries and What They Teach?

Updated on March 28, 2011
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Kathryn Skaggs is the founder of Latter-day Saint Women Stand, a community of over 50K faithful Latter-day Saint women who love their faith!

From The Days Of Adam, The Gospel Of Jesus Christ Has Been Taught...

How Does The Missionary Program Of The LDS Church "Go Ye Out" Into All The World Today?

Missionaries Are To Bring The World His Truth...

Historically - from the days of Adam, the Great God of The Old Testament has had a message that would bring Salvation to the children of God - if they would only hearken to His messengers, whom He authorizes.

Jesus Christ Himself, Who IS and Was the Message... spent only 33 years brief years here upon the earth in mortality, prior to His crucifixion and death. His ministry, in which He accomplished His own Infinite mission - by descending below all things - that He might lift all men unto Him -- only required a mere three years to complete.

As I have noted in other articles I have written, the number three in symbolism is the sign of a covenant. Symbolism and God are "one" - meaning all things testify of the ONE - Jesus Christ... and point to His Great and Last Sacrifice.

This one single event - is the Covenant between not only each one of us as individuals with God, but made first and foremost between God the Eternal Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. This Covenant that the Savior made complete in His atonement on our behalf, which is infinite and eternal -- is referred to as the "Oath and Covenant" of the Holy Priesthood of God.

He Lived, He Died And He Was Resurrected... That We Too Would Live Again!

The Mission Of Mormonism Is To Proclaim That He Lives...

That ONE single event in the history of this world... is the ONE act that brings universal salvation unto all mankind. This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the mission of Mormonism and the missionaries that bear this eternal truth and ancient message... from the very days of our father Adam! Mormons believe that this plan for the redemption of man - was laid before the foundations of this world and The Creation.

Mormonism testifies; that Jesus Christ came into the world as a babe in the meridian of time as prophesied; took upon Himself the sins of all the world; was lifted up upon the cross where He willing offered Himself - The sacrifice for us; no one took His Life, but He willingly gave up His life unto His Eternal Father... that for us, we might be Saved!

And after "three" days... He, by the Power of God which He had been Given - then overcame not only physical death - but the hell of spiritual death; and was Resurrected unto Eternal Life... that we too might Live again in that very same Glory!

This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, of which missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints bring unto all the world.

This is the message...

Missionaries Are Sowers Of The Gospel Of Jesus Christ...

Members Of The LDS Church Are Missionaries Too...

It might surprise some to know, that in the Mormon Church - each member is to consider themselves as... what is known within the Church - a member missionary.

"Official" Missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, are easily tagged by their dark suits and those nice little badges that they wear which declare for Whom they are proselytizing.

"Member" missionaries of the Church - which should be all.... are average active members of the LDS faith, that may or may not go about telling their neighbors the good news. In fact, reality is... that Mormons are quite "shy" about going about doing this. If you are lucky enough to "know" a Mormon.... ask yourself this question?

How much has my friend, who I know is a Mormon... really told me "themselves" about the Church and what Mormons believe?

Mormons as a people are historically very shy. History bears out a fairly negative experience for Mormons as a people - when attempting to live and share their beliefs with others. The persecution of the Mormons is - the History of Mormonism since the days of its beginnings and official Church organization... even until today.

Brigham Young Shares His Feelings About How The Gospel Of Jesus Christ Should Be Proclaim! (reenactment)

The Worth Of One Soul...

Mormon missionaries as they go "out into the world" to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, are regularly met on porch after porch by what is known as "the door slam"!

Most LDS Missionaries have "trained" themselves to keep a stiff upper lip and just keep knocking until someone... anyone - will listen to their message, which they believe that they have been commissioned by Jesus Christ Himself, the great exemplar - to go out and preach to the world.

LDS Missionaries, choose to dedicate either 18 months for young women, or two years if a young man - to the full-time work , of sharing the "message" of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints. This is quite surprising to many - that young men and women, at such a primetime in their lives - would show such sacrifice for a cause.

These young people, spend every waking moment of each day - seeking out the pure in heart, so that they might keep the covenant which they have taken upon themselves - to preach His Gospel. This is believed to be a sacrifice unto God, and in return - blessings abound. But while serving these "missions" in similitude of Jesus Christ, and as His emissaries - unlike Jesus Christ who was and is Perfect; our missionaries can find themselves deflated, discouraged and exhausted at times, when falling off to sleep at night.

We pray worldwide as a Church... on behalf of these valiant Christian soldiers, that they will be led to the pure in heart.

To Seek Out The Pure In Heart -- Which Are His Elect...

Missionaries Ask God Where His Children Are...
Missionaries Ask God Where His Children Are...
And God Answers The Prayers Of The Righteous...
And God Answers The Prayers Of The Righteous...

Sharing The Gospel Of Jesus Christ - His Message To Others...

To witness or be involved with even ONE single convert or baptism of a person as they accept the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, is to experience a joy that is not of this world. Jesus Christ himself taught this promise with Power and Authority when He said:

Doctrine & Covenant Section 18:15-16

"And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!

And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!"

Why is the message that is born by evangelical Christians so powerful unto the joy of their own souls - when even just ONE hearkens to their message? The Spirit, as the fruit of the Spirit of Jesus Christ... is that very peace and joy, not that the world giveth, but that He Given unto His faithful servants. His servants that He has called, who have labored diligently.

Interesting phenomenon... is that most missionaries come home from their term of service or mission, with many tales of hardship in the work... and yet they are glowing with testimony of the work and proclaim it to be "The Best Two Years", of their lives, etc... Weird?

A Prayer - A Vision - A Prophet - A Book - Mormonism Testified To By A Prophet Of God!

How Great Shall Be Your Joy...

The Gift And Power Of The Holy Ghost Which Bears Witness Of All Truth...

If you, as a Christian, have ever been involved with the conversion - at any level - of another individual who accepts Jesus Christ, and beheld "what" happens both physically and spiritually to that ONE individual who does receive His word through you... no explanation is necessary.

Conversion to the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, is particularly powerful and accompanied by the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Joseph Smith, founder and prophet of the Restoration of the Church and the Lord's chosen prophet to bring about this great work - brought forth through the Gift and Power of God, an ancient record known as The Book of Mormon.

It is through the instrumentality of The Book of Mormon, which was preserved in this ancient record, that Jesus Christ is now bringing millions of souls unto Him, through His chosen servants today.

The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. Mormons believe and firmly bear witness to the world, that this ancient text of the Book of Mormon was preserved and kept from the many defilement's of man... unlike that of which the Bible has been subjected to over Millennia. Mormonism teaches that the Book of Mormon comes direct from God and was translated by His Gift and Power unto the children of men, through His living prophet Joseph Smith Jr. Mormons believe that The Book-of Mormon stands side-by-side with the Bible in proclaiming powerfully - that Jesus is the Christ.

I believe that these two sacred text - together.... are the law of witnesses for all those seeking the fullness of The Gospel of Jesus Christ.

"Other Sheep I Have, Which Are Not Of This Fold..." The Testament Of The Book of Mormon.

The Book Of Mormon Is The Instrument That God Uses To Teach The World His Truth!

It is a gross misinterpretation by man, to assume this position of God for God and about the Word of God. For man to take it upon himself to say that God will never speak to even a prophet for the remaining history of the world - should be questioned by those, who believe in a Creator who loves His children? As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints, I truly love the Bible right along side of The Book of Mormon and other revealed scripture of the latter day.

I also feel, that with these sacred scriptures that support one another doctrinally, we have a fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Personally, I cannot read alone one of these records, without the other IF I want a fulness of understanding the teachings of God by the Spirit.

Now, I believe that it is blasphemy in the highest form to go about putting a muzzle on the power of God, that is found in His Word, through the interpretation of puny "man"!

Accounts From The Book of Mormon...

The account from the Book of Mormon, where Alma himself who was converted to the Gospel, then converts and baptizes many others.
The account from the Book of Mormon, where Alma himself who was converted to the Gospel, then converts and baptizes many others.
Jesus Christ Appears To The Nephites...
Jesus Christ Appears To The Nephites...
And He Took Their Little Ones, And Blessed Them...
And He Took Their Little Ones, And Blessed Them...

Qualifications For A Magnificent Promise Given By God...

In these sacred scriptures that support one another doctrinally, we have a fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Personally, I cannot read alone one of these records, without the other - IF I want a fulness of understanding the teachings of God by the Spirit.

Now, I believe that it is blasphemy in the highest form to go about putting a muzzle on the power of God, that is found in His Word, through the interpretation of puny "man"!

In the Book of Mormonm, in the tenth chapter of Moroni, in the closing chapter of his record -he tells us this - and I believe this is often overlooked... that the promise that God will manifest the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon by the power of the Holy Ghost - to those who sincerely desire to know of its truthfulness.... Moroni then boldly sets forth as a requirement for this promise to be fulfilled.... the instructions that the reader is to follow in gaining knowledge regarding the history of the Gospel of Jesus Christ... first.

Moroni Chapter 10:3

" Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts."

Does this not clearly state, that to receive the promised witness by the gift and power of God to an individual, it requires a testimony and knowledge of the workings of God in the Holy Bible as well?

The Testimony of Members Of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day-Saints...

Mormons believe that God does speak today to living prophets here upon the earth and God will even prove it to YOU! If ye will hearken to that true and eternal Message that missionaries of all types for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints are offering... even the shy ones; you will find hidden treasures of knowledge, not known by those who refuse to even look!

I have a testimony of my own, that has come through the gift and power of God, which is - the power of the Holy Ghost. This testimony for me, has come as I have read the Book of Mormon and the Bible... pondered to understand and live these teachings - and having asked God myself - not any man or missionary - to know if The Book of Mormon is also a true testament of Jesus Christ, as is the Bible.

My very personal, and "shy" testimony - that perhaps too many members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints... are keeping to themselves because of shyness or fear; and allowing the "servants" of God, who bear the official "tag-age" -- to take care of business - but I too have a very personal and intimate testimony and relationship with and of this perfect man who walked the streets of Galilee... and His ministry.

I proclaim that He is Jesus Christ and that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints is His true Church upon the earth today. I am profoundly grateful to know that Jesus Christ has prophets here upon the earth today, that direct the Kingdom of God.

It is my personal hope, that more and more members of the LDS Church, will stop being quite so polite to our neighbors and share our testimonies...

And yes, I personally need to go knock on the door of my very own neighbor - as well.



A Good Friend Of Mine Produced This Video... I Hope You Enjoy His Testimony Of The Prophet Joseph Smith As Much As I Did... I Second This!


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